Blog / September 23, 2024

3 must-haves for enterprise copilot success: Search, action, and productivity

Amy Brennen, Content Marketing Manager

enterprise search automation and productivity

Maybe you’re ready to invest in a copilot, or have a copilot that’s not yet meeting its full potential. You’re excited by the prospect of a copilot that can help to transform your organization by enabling increased productivity, improved decision-making, and enhanced employee experiences too. But you want to make sure that you’re investing wisely for your organization. 

So what’s the secret to enterprise copilot success?

The answer lies in the three must-haves of enterprise search, action, and productivity.

When search and automation are disconnected, this can lead to a perfect storm of challenges, slowing innovation and draining productivity.  

That’s why we will discuss the following topics:

  • How search and action can impact productivity
  • Why isolated approaches to search and action fall short
  • Why you should consider an agentic copilot powered by reasoning
  • Benefits of a copilot with search, action, and productivity

This article should help enable you to make a better copilot selection. We’ll explore what is possible when a copilot can not only understand your employee queries, but can also take immediate actions to address their needs too. We’ll share how selecting a copilot that combines search, action, and productivity may enable you to achieve greater organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

How search and action can impact productivity

Have you ever considered whether your lower productivity was a direct result of your limited search and  automated action capacities?  

The result of this lower productivity might be skyrocketing service costs, with one Deloitte report finding that as much as 9% of company revenue may be spent on technologies, support, and operations. Or consider how other reports have found that 33% of tech spend each year may be underutilized with users unsure of how to fully utilize applications. 

Without quality enterprise search, you can’t easily find or resolve your issues. You might end up bottlenecked, escalating even simple issues to your support team, and remain blocked from working on your most critical initiatives. 

Similarly, automating actions has the potential to make search faster and smarter, since it can automatically index new content, update search results, and suggest actions to resolve user issues. When automation is paired with search, it can enable the seamless transition from search to action to resolution.

Isolated approaches to search and action fall short

To address these challenges, leaders will often turn to search solutions, application toolkits, application specific copilots, or attempt to build their own solution, yet each of these are still challenged to truly unite the power of search and automation and deliver meaningful impact.

  • Search solutions: These do a good job of surfacing information, however they often fall short of allowing employees to take action and set up automations. Employees and  teams may struggle to switch between finding information in a search solution, and then may need to switch into other applications to take necessary actions. Users and teams are challenged by frequent context switching to find information and perform necessary actions, this resource-intensive process may reduce efficiency, increase the risk of errors, and have a limited impact on overall ticket bloat.
  • Application toolkits: These can be an option for teams seeking to automate their support. Yet mapping out each and every single turn of a conversation is very challenging to scale and can be extremely resource intensive. Consider a full featured employee support solution with robust natural language understanding to avoid needing to script out every dialogue flow across your entire enterprise.
  • Application-specific copilots: These can be helpful tools for power users of individual applications or application specific suites. However, these copilots are designed with the goal of driving productivity within that specific realm or app, rather than across multiple applications and information sources. Even with app-specific copilots, difficulty with a lack of self-service options and accessing relevant information across other applications and systems is common. These app-specific copilots may perpetuate a fragmented approach, prevent holistic visibility of siloed information, and limit the potential for automated actions. 
  • Homegrown solutions: Other options include building your own AI or employing APIs to access limited AI functionalities, like content generation, language translation, or data visualization. Using APIs for business AI typically comes with significant limitations, including dependency on third-party providers, potential data privacy and security risks, performance limitations, restricted customization, challenges to automating across systems and the potential for rapidly escalating costs
Search solutions, app toolkits, app copilots, homegrown search solutions

Consider an agentic copilot powered by reasoning 

AI copilots are transforming work by seamlessly combining search and action. These intelligent assistants excel at surfacing information across systems and automating routine tasks, freeing users for higher priority tasks.

However, not all copilots are created equal, especially when it comes to supporting employees and support teams. While general-purpose copilots can assist with common  tasks like ticket summarization or drafting standard email responses, their capabilities are often limited due to generic language models. 

These tools may struggle with specific terminology, complex problem-solving, and understanding the nuances of your organization's unique processes. On the other hand, application specific copilots may excel in the application environment, but can limit your holistic visibility and may make it very difficult to automate actions based on data from diverse applications and systems. 

That’s why for many companies an agentic AI copilot, powered by advanced reasoning capabilities, can surpass more limited copilots in both search and automation capacities. These agentic copilots can do this by independently analyzing complex issues, considering multiple solutions, and executing autonomous decisions. These best-in-class copilots can use reasoning to adapt to user needs, optimizing task execution and information retrieval. 

Benefits of a copilot that unifies search, action, and productivity

The three must-have help copilots to streamline information retrieval processes and automate routine tasks to enable your employees to more quickly find the information they need and in some cases automatically take action too. Copilots can also help support teams to dedicate more time and energy to strategic initiatives, enhancing satisfaction, and driving innovation. This can result in:

  • Accelerated resolution: By combining search and automation, copilots can dramatically accelerate issue resolution. AI-powered triage quickly categorizes and prioritizes incoming tickets, while advanced search capabilities swiftly identify relevant knowledge articles and solutions. Automation then takes over routine workflows and tasks, freeing up agents to focus on complex problems and in some cases resolving employee issues with minimal agent involvement. This streamlined process may significantly reduce mean time to resolution, which can improve overall user satisfaction and boost team efficiency.
  • Enhanced team productivity: Copilots can significantly boost team productivity by automating repetitive tasks and streamlining workflows. By handling routine processes like ticket routing, data entry, and report generation, copilots can free up teams to focus on strategic initiatives, problem-solving, and innovative projects and unblock employees much faster.
  • Optimized knowledge management: Copilots can help to revolutionize knowledge management by automating the creation and maintenance of up-to-date knowledge bases. This empowers both employees and agents to find answers quickly through intelligent search, reducing dependency on support teams. By fostering a self-service culture, copilots not only can lighten the support load but may also improve satisfaction and productivity.
  • Improved operational efficiency: Copilots can greatly enhance operational efficiency by breaking down silos between enterprise systems. With access to a unified data pool, copilots can enable optimized workflows, bottleneck identification, and the automation of repetitive tasks across departments.
  • Measurable impact: Copilots can provide invaluable insights into the impact of uniting search and automation by tracking and analyzing key performance indicators. By measuring metrics, copilots may help to demonstrate the tangible benefits of these integrated capabilities, which can enable the justification of ongoing investment and performance optimization.

Unite search and action for elevated productivity with Moveworks

We've explored the limitations of isolated approaches to search and automation and looked into the measurable and transformative power of copilots to unite these two essential functions. 

When done right, search provides quicker access to relevant information, enhances collaboration by connecting employees with experts and resources, facilitate faster knowledge access, and helps to support better decision-making too.

Similarly, automation not only helps to ensure that search results are up-to-date and relevant, but it can also plan out multiple steps, execute actions, and more easily streamline workflows. That’s why you should aim to couple search with automated action to fully realize their enormous potential. 

What are the potential outcomes?

  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced operational costs 
  • Improved morale and job satisfaction
  • Enhanced innovation

These are tangible productivity benefits that can transform not just single departments, but entire organizations. By seamlessly combining search capabilities with the ability to take action, agentic copilots can empower your organization to be able to achieve unprecedented levels of productivity.

Want to learn more about optimizing search, automation, and productivity for IT teams? Check out our IT leader’s guide: 3 must-haves for enterprise copilot success (Hint: One of them is search!)

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