Understand every facet of your users’ experience, ensuring that your bot provides your workforce with accurate, personalized support in seconds.
Fill in resource gaps, retire stale articles, or adjust information access as your support environment evolves.
Maximize your impact with insightful suggestions on how to make your forms chat-friendly. Get the most out of every form, transforming tech debt into employee satisfaction.
Control center is a feature-filled admin console that gives you insight into every aspect of Moveworks.
Track metrics on which users are imported, have access to the bot, summary statistics, when the last refresh of the system was, and when the next refresh will be.
Understand the total number of knowledge articles imported, which documents are enabled, and search & filter for any article within the Moveworks system.
Reveal when forms were last imported to Moveworks and search & filter for any form within the Moveworks system.
Success hinges on our ability to constantly improve our service delivery. My team meets regularly to analyze the data, to see what’s working and what’s not. The more Herbie can do, the more time our support agents have to work on less mundane and more vital tasks.