The “best business decision” Verisk ever made? Conversational comms.

Verisk used AI comms to dramatically increase employee engagement and keep its hybrid workforce on the same page.


Verisk is one of the world’s largest data analytics companies with a market cap of approximately $30 billion.

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Of Verisk’s employees are engaged with Moveworks


Verisk had to find a better solution than no-reply emails to keep its workforce engaged.


Dramatically boosted employee engagement with AI-powered internal comms

The Problem

AI offers a new approach to employee engagement

Operating across 34 countries, Verisk’s top priority is keeping everyone on the same page. Integrating and supporting so many employees across different time zones is an enormous undertaking. So when it came down to employee communications, Verisk faced major obstacles.

For one, company policies were constantly changing during this era of hybrid work. Updates sent in mass emails tended to get ignored or lost in the inbox, so many employees were missing vital information. 

Additionally — a conventional communications strategy depends on email. But sending irrelevant messages to employees is incredibly noisy. And finally, Verisk’s service desk struggled to address the follow-up questions that their comms generated. Even when employees understood the update, it was hard for them to get more info or take action.


The Solution

Vic brings a new employee engagement strategy to Verisk

In August 2020, Verisk rolled out Moveworks, known as Vic to its employees. Vic is an advanced AI copilot available inside Microsoft Teams, Verisk’s hub for collaboration. By deeply understanding employees’ requests with AI, Vic maps each one to the right solution, whether it’s a snippet from a troubleshooting guide, a form to order new hardware, or a map of the company headquarters.

Perhaps more importantly, with Moveworks for Employee Communications, Vic delivers targeted updates and reminders to only the affected employees. Vic even allows Verisk to schedule messages at a certain time for employees in different time zones. For instance, when an employee’s password is set to expire, Vic reminds her beforehand via Teams so she won’t get locked out later. This proactive engagement strategy has been particularly crucial for Verisk, given the number of people working remotely.

Verisk Moveworks chat screen

We have employees all around the world. Keeping everyone informed is about delivering relevant messages and letting them take action, without leaving Teams. That’s how Moveworks takes our comms strategy to the next level.

David Lewis

AVP of Compute Services

The Result

Verisk moves together in the face of change

Verisk has overcome the obstacles of conventional employee engagement with Moveworks for Employee Communications. Rather than sending out static mass emails to the entire workforce, Vic delivers targeted updates and reminders to only the affected employees, meeting them on Microsoft Teams where they’re already working. Vic even allows Verisk to schedule messages at a certain time for employees in different time zones, so that nothing gets lost in the shuffle. 

Messages from Vic are also interactive, allowing employees to take the requested action or ask follow-up questions directly through the Copilot. In other words, Vic isn’t just a messenger; it’s an expert assistant that can provision new software or provide a snippet from the latest travel policy, right there in chat.

The best part? The payoff has been huge. 96% of Verisk’s employees are engaged with the Copilot.

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